Lady Sif’s standing guard

funko pop sif bobblehead

Lady Sif has arrived.

After months of seeing my friends post photos of their Funko Pop Marvel figures and feeling a teeny bit jealous since I totally wanted one myself, I finally did it: I got a Sif bobblehead. She’s been on my Amazon wishlist for at least six months, but I kept hesitating; even though the Funko Pop figs are adorable, it felt really frivolous to buy one for myself. But August has been kind of rough, so when I saw that she was on sale, I figured it was time.

She arrived today and is standing guard on top of my computer. Who knows, in time I might even get her a friend or two…

My Elder Sign review got an award!

Elder Sign: JennyOccasionally I write articles and reviews on HubPages, mostly on the subject of board games and card games. Last week, I was very surprised to receive an email from HubPages saying that I was in the running for a Rising Star award for my review of the fantasy board game Elder Sign; it was one of six finalists under consideration, with the winner determined by a popular vote. I’ve never been one to campaign for votes, but I decided to make a couple of requests on Facebook and Tumblr. I posted one link on each site and decided to leave it at that and hope for the best; I didn’t really think that would be enough to win, but I didn’t feel comfortable asking more than once.

I got another email today: I won, with 57% of the vote.


I don’t get anything for winning beyond a little promotion from HubPages, but that’s enough for me; I’m delighted that someone read my board game reviews and thought one was good enough to be singled out for recognition. Maybe I’ll earn an extra dollar or two from more page views, but even if I don’t, I’m still glad that someone noticed my work and liked my writing.

And maybe I’ll find the time to get Elder Sign back out this weekend and play. It’s been quite a while since I banished any Elder Gods from the world, and we don’t want Narcolepsy getting all uppity.

Hacking my social media into submission

I’ve been more than a little frustrated with my social media sites lately. I’m active on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr, and I pop in on Pinterest once in a while, though not as much as I once did. Four sites may not sound like that many in today’s world, but it’s been enough to frustrate and overwhelm me — so much so that I was seriously considering a break from social media. But I was reluctant to do it because I work from home; my Twitter and Facebook friends are my equivalent of the co-workers you chat with on breaks during the day, and that little bit of interaction really does make a difference for me. Luckily, I discovered a couple of tricks that have really helped, so I’m not feeling like my social media interactions are out of my control anymore.

The first solution took two minutes, but it completely transformed my Twitter timeline, getting it back to a manageable level. There were a few people I followed who retweeted a lot of article links — and because I valued their opinions, I would inevitably end up either reading those articles or bookmarking them to read later. The solution? Turning off their retweets! (You can find this option by going to their page and clicking the gear icon to get the task menu.) I turned off retweets for four people and immediately my Twitter feed became quieter; the difference was so dramatic it honestly shocked me. I even feel like I could follow some new people now, though I haven’t yet — no point in rushing right back to the same state of overwhelm I had before.

I haven’t been able to find an equivalent hack for Facebook yet, but I did find a pretty nice tool called Social Fixer that I’ve started using. It’s a browser plug-in that allows you to customize some of what you see on Facebook. It allowed me to hide a lot of the clutter surrounding my feed — the menus for events, pages, and developers; all those little sections of “people you may know”, “places nearby” and “recommended pages”; and that annoying list of features that I never use (gifts, games, pokes and the rest of it). My page is so much less cluttered now! And if I do need one of those menus, it’s easy to turn off the plugin temporarily.

I didn’t realize just how much my social media experience was frustrating me until I cleaned it up. I feel like I can enjoy my sites again; using them gives me the break that I want instead of more pressure to See All The Things. If your accounts are driving you crazy, take a few minutes and do something about it before your entire experience gets ruined. Believe me, your overstimulated brain cells will thank you.