Tiny bunny

DSCF0087The tiniest bunny in the world has been hopping around the front yard this afternoon. He’s been wandering all over the place, showing amazing stamina for his size. He’s practically run a bunny marathon at this point. He actually hopped pretty far into the street at one point, but I spotted him and ran out there to shoo him back to safer ground. He didn’t seem to notice me at first — I was careful to go wide around him until I could get between him and the main street, lest he run farther into danger. He finally looked up at me and I pointed back to the yard and said “No playing in the street! Go back that way.” He stood there shivering for a moment and then thankfully he high-tailed it back to the green space. He had a little trouble getting up the curb, but he made it. He stayed hiding under a knot of trees for about 10 minutes, then went back to wandering. He mostly stayed in the grass, though, with just a brief detour along our front walk.


Here’s one more picture. He doesn’t look as grumpy in this one. (I love the tiny ears!)

Another brief update

The move was no fun. Enough said on that subject.

The new house is wonderful. It will be even better when we have pictures hung.

Grandma is still not happy. In fact, she is seriously unhappy and lets us know at every possible occasion. Sigh.

The pretty kitty didn’t come with us to our new digs. During the last week, she wasn’t spending as much time in our yard, and then she disappeared entirely a day or two before the move. We hope she found a good home.

I succeeded in completing my reading challenge for the year, finishing book # 30 on New Year’s Eve. (Yay, me!) This year I’m going to do a somewhat different challenge — my goal is to read all of the 20 or so books that I purchased in previous years but never read. Some of them are pretty long, so it’s definitely going to be a challenge!

That’s the headlines from my corner of the world. Stay tuned to this channel; further bulletins as events warrant…

Still reading… and packing…

Sorry for the long dry spell here, with only sidebar updates. I’ve been a bit preoccupied, since my parents & I are moving in roughly a week’s time. Even pooling our resources, housing here in post-Katrina New Orleans is just too expensive, and now that we’re taking care of my grandmother, we need a home with a better layout. So we’re moving to another rental about 45 minutes away, just a few minutes from my grandmother’s house. We’re going to try moving her back into her house and we’ll see how (or if) that works. (Fingers crossed!!!) And if it doesn’t work, at least we’ll have an extra bedroom (translation: my parents won’t have their bed in a walk-in closet).

In other news, the race to read is going well — I’ll finish “The King’s Own” tonight, leaving me with just 2 more books to go in the 2 weeks that remain this year. I’m also partway through the audio version of Terry Pratchett’s “Reaper Man”… and then there will be just one left! I think it’s going to be “The Devil Inside” but I’ll decide that tomorrow.

Lastly, we have a new furry face outside. There’s a stray kitten (probably 3 months old) that has been wandering around the yard on a regular basis. After seeing it for a couple of days, I started putting out little dishes of milk and cat food (and occasionally other treats), which it gratefully consumes. I’m trying to make friends with it, but it’s very skittish. It is warming up to me, though — I think it’s finally made the connection between me and the food! Not sure what we’re going to do next week when we move… I can’t imagine leaving it alone with winter coming. I’m hoping we can catch it and take it with us. I’ll keep you posted.

Baby Comes Back

Limpet was back in the yard Wednesday night, looking no worse for the wear and happily chowing down. Glad that all is once again right in that corner of my world.