My Elder Sign review got an award!

Elder Sign: JennyOccasionally I write articles and reviews on HubPages, mostly on the subject of board games and card games. Last week, I was very surprised to receive an email from HubPages saying that I was in the running for a Rising Star award for my review of the fantasy board game Elder Sign; it was one of six finalists under consideration, with the winner determined by a popular vote. I’ve never been one to campaign for votes, but I decided to make a couple of requests on Facebook and Tumblr. I posted one link on each site and decided to leave it at that and hope for the best; I didn’t really think that would be enough to win, but I didn’t feel comfortable asking more than once.

I got another email today: I won, with 57% of the vote.


I don’t get anything for winning beyond a little promotion from HubPages, but that’s enough for me; I’m delighted that someone read my board game reviews and thought one was good enough to be singled out for recognition. Maybe I’ll earn an extra dollar or two from more page views, but even if I don’t, I’m still glad that someone noticed my work and liked my writing.

And maybe I’ll find the time to get Elder Sign back out this weekend and play. It’s been quite a while since I banished any Elder Gods from the world, and we don’t want Narcolepsy getting all uppity.