Joy and Music

A friend of mine shared this video and I loved it so much, I just had to put it on the blog. Improv Everywhere put members of the Carnegie Hall orchestra on the street in New York City with a sign saying “Conduct Us.” It’s delightful to see the joy on people’s faces as they lead the musicians or just watch the proceedings.

Video fun: Beaker!

Hmm. This video-sharing seems to be shaping up into a regular feature here! But I want to keep an emergency stash of things that make me laugh when I’m down, and posting them seems as good a way as any to save them for posterity.

So, without further ado, here’s Beaker performing the Ode to Joy.

If that wasn’t enough to cheer you up, try one of my other favorites, like Nathan Fillion in a kilt on Craig Ferguson or Benedict Cumberbatch dancing to Thriller. (You’re welcome.)