
So, I’m feeling better than I was. It’s still a bit touch and go, but overall, I’m encouraged.

Laughing definitely helps.

To that end, here’s another of my favorite videos. Ladies and gents, I give you Nathan Fillion in a kilt on Craig Ferguson. (You’re welcome.)

Laugh or cry

Depressed woman“I’m just a little unwell.”
– Matchbox Twenty, Unwell

I’m having a very hard time of it this week. Some of it is certainly post-vacation letdown, which can be particularly fierce when your vacation consists of a week on a mountaintop hanging out with other writers. (Other attendees have written about this phenomenon, so it’s not just me.) There’s also the not-so-small matter that, since I suffer from depression, I’m vulnerable to gloomy weather, and it rained EVERY DAY I was at Wildacres, starting about ten minutes after I arrived and continuing through my drive home. (In fairness, we had about two hours of sunshine Friday afternoon, but that’s it. Even when it wasn’t actively raining, it was still overcast and too dim.) Add the fact that I didn’t watch my diet and consumed too little fruit & veg and too many evil sugars and it’s a miracle that I haven’t totally dissolved into a weeping mess and just refused to get out of bed.

(For the record, that’s never happened to me yet. I may be a weeping mess now and then, but I still get up and get dressed first.)

Anyhow, I spent way, way too much time on Pinterest today and luckily saw a video that both made me laugh and brought me back from the point of tears. So, in the interest of possibly helping another despondent soul, here it is. Trust me, the story is funny, and the way Gerard Butler tells it is truly delightful. Enjoy!

UPDATE: The above video has been supplanted by one that’s even better. I give you Pine Nuts versus Cumberbitches:

Tiny bunny

DSCF0087The tiniest bunny in the world has been hopping around the front yard this afternoon. He’s been wandering all over the place, showing amazing stamina for his size. He’s practically run a bunny marathon at this point. He actually hopped pretty far into the street at one point, but I spotted him and ran out there to shoo him back to safer ground. He didn’t seem to notice me at first — I was careful to go wide around him until I could get between him and the main street, lest he run farther into danger. He finally looked up at me and I pointed back to the yard and said “No playing in the street! Go back that way.” He stood there shivering for a moment and then thankfully he high-tailed it back to the green space. He had a little trouble getting up the curb, but he made it. He stayed hiding under a knot of trees for about 10 minutes, then went back to wandering. He mostly stayed in the grass, though, with just a brief detour along our front walk.


Here’s one more picture. He doesn’t look as grumpy in this one. (I love the tiny ears!)

Fingers and Peas

This video is my new favorite thing — one of my friends shared it on Facebook earlier this week and I’ve watched it at least a dozen times since. These babies totally crack me up; you can’t help but laugh along with them as they rock out in their high chairs. If you’re feeling blue, these two will cure it.

My mom adores this video and keeps asking me to play it for her. We’ve dubbed the baby on the left “Fingers” (because of the way she keeps moving her fingers around at the beginning) and the one on the right “Peas” (since she seems to be more interested in eating her peas than in dancing).

I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!