Writing it down

Recently, I applied to become a contributor at a new site called Medium that lets you publish things — articles, essays, fiction, or whatever. I was accepted, and since then, I’ve been trying to decide what I wanted to write, what I might want to share on Medium rather than here. Tonight, in the shower, I thought of something; the words started flowing in my head, and despite being seriously tired, I muddled through how to make a “collection” on the site and put my words on the glowing screen. It’s probably the most honest work I’ve ever written, so I haven’t hit publish just yet. I sent a preview link to a couple of wonderful ladies and already got a very positive response back from one. So I’m probably going to put my essay out there in a few days. After all, what’s the point in being writer if you don’t write about what really matters now and then?

Further bulletins as events warrant. For now, over & out.

UPDATE: I did publish the piece; you can read it on Medium.

1 thought on “Writing it down

  1. This is definitely a case of “beginning at the beginning,” as I can’t remember a time when I wanted to be anything other than a writer. I have been in love with words since long before I started school and was busy reading the funny papers when I was three. In third grade I wrote a story as an assignment, and the teacher liked it so much she showed it to the principal. They decided to put it on as a play for the entire PTA, and I was hooked! I formally declared my intentions when I was about 14. My husband and I (then boyfriend/girlfriend) were walking home from school one day when I announced, “I’m going to be a writer some day.” (He reminds me of that when I become frustrated or stressed over the many demands that go with such a fulfilling but difficult career/ministry.) I eventually began garnering bylines as a newspaper string reporter and weekly “about town” columnist, plus submitting articles and short stories and poems to newsletters and magazines. I published my first book (A Moment A Day, a bestselling devotional from Regal Books) in 1988. That was 30 books ago, plus scores more I’ve written/edited/ghosted for other people. What a journey—and it’s not over yet!