Slow time, fast time

Time has some odd properties; clearly, it’s all relative, because it both drags along and whooshes by, depending on your perspective. For starters, it’s DECEMBER now. Holy moly! How is it December? It seems like the last 3 or 4 months just got away from me. (Okay, I was sick for probably half of it, but still…) I was doing some business bookkeeping today and couldn’t believe how long it had been since I’d reimbursed myself for expenses, or billed certain clients, for that matter. The time just gets away; you blink, and it’s gone.

Apparently, though, it goes places you don’t expect: into projects that never end, for instance. I’m involved with a project that was supposed to take place in June. I think they gave me the specs to start in late October. I got no feedback on initial design concepts until last week. Clearly, the word “deadline” means nothing to these people (at least, when it applies to them and not me).

One day, I suspect I’ll wonder where all the years have gone rather than just the months. Actually, I’m afraid I’m doing it already — the fact that my high school class had a 20-year reunion last year scares the bejezus out of me. I feel like I should have accomplished more. But instead I’m still just me… racing around and marking time.

STILL sick

Okay, I promised myself I was going to stop grousing on Twitter about being sick, at least for the holiday. So I’m going to gripe here instead.

I’m STILL sick.

Not as bad, mind you, but sick enough that I’ve pretty much decided to bail on the Thanksgiving festivities tomorrow with my Dad’s family. It’s a decision that disappoints me immensely, since being at my Aunt Shirley’s on any occasion is pretty high on my list of favorite things to do. But I’m still coughing and miserably tired, and now the meds are making my stomach feel sore and unhappy. So I really don’t think I’m in a family-party mood.

I hate that.

So I’m going to say the thing I want to say in real life but never will: Dear fellow choir member, when you are sick, for the love of God, STAY HOME and don’t give it to the rest of us!!!

That’s all for now. Further weary thought-spewing when the mood hits me.

And Happy Thanksgiving to all. :-}


Well, I’m sick, and have been for several days now, thanks to the lovely woman in choir who coughed all over me last Sunday. I’m now at the stage where I can’t sleep because every time I lie down for more than 10 minutes, I start coughing. (At least, until about 3 am, when I pass out for a few hours from sheer exhaustion.) I tried propping myself up on lots of pillows so that I’m not lying flat, but all that’s really done for me is mess up my back. So now I’m tired and in pain.

I would really, really like to be better now please. 🙁

Simple pleasures

I have a couple of new possessions that please me. First, in preparation for my San Francisco trip, I have new Mary Jane-style tennis shoes (a steal at $20 from Target). Normally, I’m not much of a shoe enthusiast; I’m hard to fit, for one thing, and shoes rarely look that great once they’ve been scaled up to size 10. But these actually make my feet look sort of feminine and cute, so they’re wonderous shoes indeed. (They also came in a really pretty metallic copper, and I was tempted to get those too, but I resisted.)

I also have a new toy courtesy of my uncle, who was cleaning house and wanted to get rid of some of the toys his grandchildren no longer use. Mom volunteered to find good homes for them, but one has already found a home on my desk. It’s bright green with big eyes and it lights up in different colors when you shake it. I don’t know why, but the bouncy, silly little thing totally makes me laugh. Dad said it’s probably a $0.50 toy but he’s sure I’ve gotten at least $4 of enjoyment out of it. (For the record, it cracks Mom up too. So I’m not the only crazy person here.)

It’s amazing how much joy can be found in little things — getting a toy, reading a book, eating a pastry, petting a dog. I hope I never lose the ability to delight in simple pleasures.

UPDATE: I have christened my little green friend Spike. It seemed appropriate.